Monday, November 3, 2008

Dia de Los Muertos Evening @ Centro Cultural Aztlán

...the altar for my hefito-finally set up...I think he would have been bashfully flattered and then he would have asked me to take it down, ya de viejito—94...he wasn't too much into ceremonial hefito was pretty humble and did not consider how much of hero figure that he was to my brothers, sister and mother...his cuentos did it—they made us cosmic travelers, to far off lands and different times...keeping a very personal link to these place with all of the main characters being our very own great-great-grand parents and great-grand aunts and uncles...So when I set up his Dia de Los Muertos Altar, it its always with the idea of being able to tell his story to all so that he can continue to touch people...
This year the evening at Centro Cultural Aztlan was well attended for a Sunday night...Aztlan has always held the event on the actual day unlike other organizations around San Antonio. 
This year the entire city had so many Dia de Los Muertos events but I would have to say that the celebration to be at is Aztlan's evening...
I would say that there were about 400+ people in attendance! It was truly a much larger event than the previous year...The altares that were on display ranged from traditional to non-traditional. 
When I set mine up, I always create a different installation...usually I follow a non-traditional
 arrangement that has aspects of a traditional arrangement. I find that this allows me to tell my hefito's story... pictured is an altar by Ricky Amendariz and another by Sylvia Saldana-Sanchez and sister. These two are an example of the varied style and personal touches that each individual artist conveyed and presented to the community in their altares...I feel that Whenever an altar is set up,  the artist is sharing with the community...
 the stories of each and every loved ones and then beyond that also presenting images of a shared identity as a reaffirmation of what links us together...Interestingly the newly appionted  Mexican Deputy Consul of San Antonio-Enrique Romero Moreno(who is also a writer) and his wife showed up showed up for the evening...He was impressed and reminded of home...
The end of the evening saw the Carnaval de los Muertos by the Urban-15 dance group led by Kat Cisneros...they have been performing in the San Antonio art scene since 74...and just recently moved to their new building located on South Presa...


C. L. DeMedeiros said...


Unknown said...

Your fathers spirit is to you.